How to prepare for a job interview

job interview

Searching for a job is always a very difficult task, and the interview is the most important stage of this process. The applicant must always demonstrate that he is the best candidate for a certain position while the interviewers make sure that the person in front of him is, compared to dozens of others, the ideal one to enter the work family of a certain company. Because we know how important it is to get a new job, here at garudaaviationacademy we help students prepare for that long-awaited interview.

Before leaving home

  • Familiarize yourself with the company. As soon as a company contacts you for an interview, the first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with the company. You have to collect all the possible information, look for the virtual site, read some news regarding it. Wendy Gelberg, a world-renowned career coach who has published books to help people be successful in their job search, explains that becoming familiar with the company is vital, as “employers love this because it shows that you are interested in the company. and you’re not just desperate to get a job.”
  • Take care of appearance and select appropriate clothing. Women must arrive with clean and well-groomed hair, while men must appear clean and with a suitable cut for the profession to be practiced. Perfume is necessary, but care should be taken not to wear too much so as not to create a bad impression. The hands must be well cared for, especially the nails. As for clothing, it should always be remembered that “professional” is not synonymous with etiquette. Dress appropriately for the job applied for; a future tour guide of a city will not go in a suit, but perhaps in semi-casual clothes.
  • Don’t forget important documentsThese documents should include bank account information, passport or social identity number card, an identification card with photos, a portfolio of experiences if necessary and, of course, a copy of the CV, cover letter and/or or resumé that was previously delivered.

During the Interview

At the beginning, the interview is always a bit tedious as both the interviewers and the applicant are in the process of “breaking the ice”, as the saying goes. It is important not to lose the north and remember the following tips in this step:

  • Greet with a handshake that is neither too strong nor too weak. A strong handshake usually belongs to violent and bad-tempered people, while a weak handshake reflects low self-esteem.
  • Answer all questions directly, clearly and with a firm tone of voice.
  • Do not hesitate, and if it is done, do it as few times as possible.
  • Always speak the truth and do not contradict the information provided in your resume, cover letter or resume.
  • When you don’t know how to perform any of the tasks, don’t be afraid to say, “I’m here to learn.”
  • Maintain a calm tone of voice and convey serenity through smiles, a little humor within professional parameters, and eye contact.
  • Do not cross your legs as this is defensive behavior which results in creating a barrier between the requester and the requestor. Also, according to some body language experts, many people who cross their legs when speaking are lying.
  • Maintain good posture.
  • Express enthusiasm for the position at all times.

After the interview

Recruiters notify all candidates when the interview process is complete. As soon as that process is complete, it is necessary to contact the company about two days later. This follow-up action shows recruiters responsibility, interest and security regarding the goal to be achieved.

